Friday, August 9, 2024

Picture of the Day: Star Wars Typewriter

An Olivetti typewriter with Star Wars on it!

This morning we took an early morning flight from YVR, Vancouver International Airport, and near our gate I spied some art work in the form of Olivetti typewriters!

The attention to detail is impressive
One in particular caught my eye -- a typewriter painted with Star Wars scenes on it! On the front was the Emperor, and on the top yoda on the left, Darth Vader on the right, and on the sides a frozen Han Solo, a stormtrooper, C-3P0, and Luke Skywalker.

It turns out the typewriter was painted by Vancouver artist Dave Benning. He works with Brendan Raftery who restores old typewriters so they are actually usable again, while Benning paints them with custom designs. 

Star Wars is near and dear to his heart, explaining he first watched the film when he was eight years old and left a very strong impression on him so many decades later. He says the typewriter is a tribute to the movies, the screenwriters and Lucas' vision.

Benning painted key scenes in Star Wars movies
Nice to see the typewriter displayed at the airport for all fans to see!

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