Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Quote of the Day: MTR Chairman's Meaty Business

Auyeung says MTR will expand further into the mainland

The MTR Corporation has expanded its services to some cities in China and abroad, including the United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia.

And the semi-privatised company's chairman Rex Auyeung says MTR Corp will continue to extend its services in China, particularly in the Greater Bay Area, connecting Hong Kong and Macau with nine Chinese cities.  

But he says Hong Kong remains the bread and butter of the company, or rather a meatier metaphor.

"Hong Kong is our filet mignon, I cannot afford to lose sight of the Hong Kong business," Au said in a recent interview with a local newspaper.

We thought bread and butter was a staple, but perhaps for Auyeung, filet mignon is a must-have in his diet?

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