Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top 10 Bizarre Emergency Calls

Got a problem with your avocados? Don't call 911 please!

We're a day away from 2025 and the year-end lists have appeared.

Probably the most bizarre one is from E-Comm -- the 911 line that provides emergency communications for British Columbia.

They are the front-line staff who get the calls and then help them get the assistance they need in crisis situations -- like police, fire and ambulance.

But not everyone who calls realises their "emergencies" are not considered life and death critical.

So here is the Top 10 list of calls that did not belong on 911:

10. Domesticated-bunny seen in a park.

9. Requesting help removing a wasp's nest.

8.  Phone left in an Uber.

7. Box of 38 avocados purchased were rotten.

6. Requesting technical support.

5. Complaining the power was out.

4. Seeking directions to a 24/7 Shoppers Drug Mart.

3. McDonald's wouldn't open its doors (at 5am).

2. Dry cleaners stained a shirt.

1. Neighbour wearing too much cologne.

E-Comm also gets a lot of calls from people who accidentally pocket dialled 911 on their smartphone or smartwatch.

"The biggest message [is] that if somebody is accidentally calling into 911, and they noticed, just to stay on the line with us. An emergency police call taker will make sure that they're safe, and then we can disconnect the call," said Laura Fiddler, an emergency call taker.

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