Tuesday, August 29, 2023

CY Leung Says Party's Over for Pro-Beijing Camp

A party was held for 500 guests to send off a district officer

As the Hong Kong police run a campaign of terror, taking in and questioning the relatives of the eight pro-democracy activists who have HK$1 million bounties on their heads, the pro-establishment camp has been indulging in excess.

One party in particular caught the ire of former chief executive Leung Chun-ying as being over-the-top.

It was a party featuring 500 guests in Kowloon Bay to send off Wong Tai Sin District Officer Steve Wong Chi-wah, who will be going to Beijing for a year for further studies.

Was this lavish party really necessary?
The guests included officials, lawmakers and representatives of pro-Beijing district groups and the big event was organised by the Kowloon Federation of Associations.

Following Leung's criticism, Executive Council Convenor Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee and member Ronny Tong Ka-wah also chimed in.

Ip said officers should be more careful in their conduct, as they would be given more authority after the government revamps the district councils later this year. The plan is for them to be "chief executive" of their respective areas.

"District officers will have a lot more influence under the new system. They must be vigilant to guard against a 'flattery culture' because of their increased influence," she said.

"Excessive flattery and personal adulation are disconcerting... administrative officers should work hard, blend in well with the local community, but also stay humble."

These officers will be able to set new meeting rules and assign consultation tasks to councillors.

Leung says pro-Beijing camp needs to be humble
In a Facebook post on Friday, Leung criticised what he called growing "ostentatious and extravagant" practices by the pro-establishment camp had to stop.

"We need to put a brake on this ostentatious and extravagant trend," he said.

"Where did the money come from? What are the benefits? Does it achieve positive social or political outcomes, or rather is there a negative impact?"

Despite the questions, former district councillor Chan Kam-lam, of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong who attended the dinner says it was no big deal.

"It was just a community activity and reflected the overwhelming support [Wong] received from the district's residents," he said.

"It's very common community activity and reflected the overwhelming support [Wong] received from district residents," Chan said. "It's very common for district bodies to bid farewell to district officers."

Many remember Leung's daughter's incidents
OK but is it that common to host 500 guests and spending so much money to do that?

Chan added many district residents wanted to show their appreciation from Wong, as he had done a lot for people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

While that may be a nice gesture, Leung is signalling that the pro-establishment camp needs to smarten-up and not be frivolous... is he fancying himself like the morality police?

It's amusing considering his own children have done self-indulgent things where one daughter has posted on social media about her rows with her parents, the other believing she had privilege to have airport staff bring her her luggage...

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